Village boys jokes

Hello friends, in your busy life, I have come to make you cry, no, I have come to make you laugh, if my joke or exciting story is even a little good, then keep reading this page of mine. So let's start from here,,,, 
                  Once upon a time, a boy leaves the house to go to his farm. As soon as he is about to reach his farm, the electric wire is lying broken, that boy sticks on that wire. Now that boy wire He gets completely in the grip of . Now his shock starts eating and agonizing, as soon as his life was about to be released, suddenly the boy remembered that the line is closed today. He got up and went to his farm. It was good that he remembered it. O
It is good that he would not have been killed otherwise.
   --------------_--_-----------------_----------------------------       hindi translation.                                                      एक बार की बात है,एक लड़का अपने खेत जाने के लिए घर से निकलता है।जैसे ही वो अपने खेत पहुंचने वाला होता है की ,बिजली का तार टूटकर पड़ा होता है,वो लड़का उस तार पे चिपक जाता है।अब वो लड़का तार की चपेट में पूरी तरह से आ जाता है ।अब उसका झटका खाना और तड़पना शुरू हो गया,जैसे ही उसका प्राण छुटने वाला था,अचानक उस लड़के को याद आया की आज तो लाइन बंद है।वो उठा और अपने खेत को चला गया।अच्छा हुआ जो उसे याद आगयी।नही तो बेमौत मारा जाता।               


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